Live Webinar | Thursday, April 4, 2024 | 3PM-4PM EST

Live Webinar | Thursday, April 4, 2024 | 3PM-4PM EST

Transforming Potential into Performance -

How To Build A Management Training Program That Works. 

Struggling with leadership gaps in your organization? It is time for you to master management training with a framework that actually works.

Your webinar host

Your host

Fahd Alhattab

Founder & CEO

Unicorn Labs

Founder & CEO

Unicorn Labs

Date & Time

Date & Time

Thursday, April 4 2024


Join Unicorn Labs CEO Fahd Alhattab for an enlightening webinar that tackles the real-world challenges of initiating a management training program.

This webinar is designed to empower the HR / People leaders, and even the CEOs of growing startups, with the blueprint for setting up a management training program that works - developing Unicorn Leaders that will help scale your company.

Things you'll walk away with

Uncover Hidden Challenges

Learn about the complexities of accurately identifying training needs within your organization, and why so many startups struggle to get this right.

Content Creation Insights:

Discover strategies for developing or sourcing training content that not only engages but also empowers your managers to lead effectively.

Maximize Limited Resources

Gain practical tips on implementing impactful training programs without overextending your startup's precious time and resources.

Boost Engagement and Retention

Explore innovative techniques to enhance participant engagement and ensure the retention of crucial leadership skills.

Measure Success Effectively:

Understand the importance of evaluating your training program's success and how to use feedback for continuous improvement.

Clarity On How To Navigate:

Confidently create or refine your management training program armed with actionable insights and strategies that address your specific pain points. 

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